Mid January Snow and Sun

Snow continues to pile up in the woods here in the St.Croix River Valley.  With the absence of sub-zero temperatures and a deep frost, the maple season could be upon us quickly. The spring snowmelt and river break up is coming earlier than than it has 20 to 30 years ago.  Snowmelt. and spring thaws used to be late March and early to mid April and now we see an early to mid March snow melt and river ice breakup. Maple season from my records typically begins in the St. Croix River Valley around March 15.   I had to adjust my thinking when I missed a major sap run the week of March 1st several years ago. If I had to choose a  two week period of the best sap runs it would be the last week of March and the first week of April.   The whole point of this is to be ready to go with all the wood, supplies and evaporator setup completed by March 1.   Warm weather and the absence of frost could result in an early sap run this year

I hope all of you are enjoying the January months, the days are getting longer!!  Don’t forget the 5% of cash and carry sale February 5-8.  I have a complete stock of most maple syrup supplies and some small evaporators in stock..  See you all soon.
