There is at least 30 inches of snow in the woods in the St. Croix Valley on top of 24-30 inches of frost with subzero temps coming the first week of March. I’ve been asked what I thought the season would be like. My thought is that it will be a late March start, with a big finish like last year given the amount of snowpak. I have in the past, tapped in snowshoes and said that I would never do that again. I did it one more time and again said I would not do it ever again. Its lots of work, the buckets are really high when the snow melts and the sap runs were minimal at best early. plus we trudged through knee deep snow, which is a tough. I think I will wait for a couple of thaw events before I get out there with 2500 pails.
This is a good time to check your evaporator, clean the flues, get the pans ready and supplies. There is going to be a rush when the weather does warm, so if you need supplies, now is the best time to get them.
Have a great weekend,
Good Luck to all the Birkie participants in Hayward, WI